Sunnyslope Customers Cast Their Votes

We thank all the constituents who cast their votes to reelect Sunnyslope Water District Directors James Parker and Jerry T Buzzetta, both San Benito County residents for over 30 years. As your representatives, all of our five board members are directly accountable to you, the customers they serve. As a nonprofit agency, the district strives to keep rates as low as possible while at the same time providing high-quality water and wastewater services that safeguard human health and the environment.
To contact your board representatives, please call the district office at (831) 637-4670.
Messages from our reelected Board Members

Photo: James Parker with his beloved pooches Angie and Luna
“It’s an exciting time to be serving on the district board. I look forward to this coming year as we roll out all the new improvements, empowering our customers to take charge of their water bills, and increasing our agency’s transparency. I feel very privileged to be part of the Sunnyslope team—we’re big enough to secure the present and future water and sewer services for our community, but still small enough to be personally responsive to our customers. As your elected representatives we are here to serve you. Please feel free to call us about your concerns!”
—James Parker, President, Sunnyslope Water District Board of Directors

Photo: Jerry Buzzetta
“I’m grateful for your votes, giving me the opportunity to continue our mission of providing you safe, reliable, and high quality water and wastewater services, in an environmentally and financially responsible manner. As a special district–an enterprise operation–we are a non-profit government-like entity, which gets its revenue strictly from water and wastewater users and therefore, must spend money like it was our own. Rate payer increases should be only done as a last resort, after exhausting all other avenues. Therefore, I’ll continue a focus whereby: costs are controlled, we have the best trained employees, returns on investments–capital or otherwise–is appropriate, and reserves are not only preserved, but enhanced over time. Please feel free to contact me on any District issue, and I’ll do my best to be of service to you".
—Jerry Buzzetta, Vice-president, Sunnyslope Water District Board of Directors