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Rate Study

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Sunnyslope County Water District must abide by the stipulations of CA Proposition 218 such that all rates and fees must directly correlate to the actual cost of the service being provided. Water and sewer rates cannot be used to fund, support, or subsidize anything that is not directly related to meeting customers' water or sewer needs.

Therefore, prior to implementing the newest rate and fee structure, Sunnyslope hired Raftelis Financial Consultants Inc. to conduct a thorough assessment and study of the District's rates and fees to ensure they satisfy Prop 218 requirements. This study considers all the facets of water and sewer service and the costs associated with them so that Sunnyslope can demonstrate the logic behind its rates and fees.

You can download and review this study in the link below.

Draft 2024 Water & Sewer Rate Study2013 Water & Sewer Rate Study